Easily Edit Your Windows Hosts File with the BlueLife Hosts ...

2023年5月29日—SoftwaretoolthatallowsuserstoeditthehostfileontheirPCtomanagenetworkconnectionsandblockunwantedwebsites.Freewarehosts ...,2023年5月26日—BluelifeHostsEditorisaportablefreewarehosts-fileeditorthatallowsyoutoeasilyadd/delete,block,andu...。參考影片的文章的如下:


BlueLife Hosts Editor

2023年5月29日 — Software tool that allows users to edit the host file on their PC to manage network connections and block unwanted websites. Freeware hosts ...

Bluelife Hosts Editor 1.5

2023年5月26日 — Bluelife Hosts Editor is a portable freeware hosts-file editor that allows you to easily add/delete, block, and update domain names to your ...

BlueLife Hosts Editor v1.5

2023年5月26日 — Bluelife hosts editör is a Portable Freeware hosts file editor which allows users to easily add/delete ,Block , Update domain names.

Download BlueLife Hosts Editor Free

2015年1月19日 — BlueLife Hosts Editor gives you the possibility of editing your operating system's HOSTS file, which serves as an address translator and ...

Download BlueLife Hosts Editor v1.5

A Hosts file is the easiest way to provide name resolution for the network's computers. It can be used to speed up domain names or block them.BlueLife Hosts ...

Hosts 編輯工具

2017年12月14日 — 小技巧:Hosts Editor 頂部右側有個hosts 資料表查看/文字查看的切換按鈕,可以在資料表與文字之間快速切換,切換成文字狀態時就和普通記事本一樣了,這種 ...

hosts文件编辑器(BlueLife Hosts editor)

hosts文件编辑器(BlueLife Hosts editor). v1.3免费版. 大小:1M语言:英文. 类别:系统软件系统:WinAll.

Windows Hosts 文件编辑器BlueLife Hosts Editor 1.5 中文多 ...

BlueLife Hosts Editor 是专门为帮助您添加,删除或更新域名而构建的Hosts 编辑软件应用程序。由于这是一个可移植程序,因此必须提及的是,它不会在Win…


2023年5月29日—SoftwaretoolthatallowsuserstoeditthehostfileontheirPCtomanagenetworkconnectionsandblockunwantedwebsites.Freewarehosts ...,2023年5月26日—BluelifeHostsEditorisaportablefreewarehosts-fileeditorthatallowsyoutoeasilyadd/delete,block,andupdatedomainnamestoyour ...,2023年5月26日—BluelifehostseditörisaPortableFreewarehostsfileeditorwhichallowsuserstoeasilyadd/delete,Block,Updatedomainnam...

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